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Peripheral Vascular Angiography and Intervention


Peripheral Vascular Angiography

Peripheral vascular angiography is an invasive diagnostic test in which the physician inserts a hollow tube into the arteries and then inject dye (contrast) into the arteries that flows with the blood flow and when visualized on x-ray monitoring it identifies the narrowing or plaque buildup in the arteries of the peripheral vasculature (arteries supplying the blood to the legs, arms and kidneys, etc). The procedure is performed in an angio suite. The patient is made comfortable with mild to moderate sedation and is monitored very closely. Most patients tolerate the procedure very well. Dr. Bokhari is an ACGME accredited fellowship program-trained cardiologist who has been performing these diagnostic tests for more than a decade.

Peripheral Vascular (Endovascular) Intervention

Peripheral vascular (endovascular) intervention is a minimally invasive, non surgical procedure performed in an angio suite to open up the blocked arteries usually in the legs to restore blood flow to the affected tissue avoiding open surgery. Due to the recent advances in technology, there are a number of options available to perform these procedures. These technologies include drug-coated balloons for angioplasties and stents as well as atherectomy devices. Dr. Bokhari, Board Certified in Endovascular Medicine (Interventions), is a highly skilled cardiologist who is very well adept with all of the latest technologies.

Varicose Vein Treatments by Dr. Bokhari

Varicose Vein Treatments by Dr. Bokhari


Syed Bokhari, MD, FACC
4646 Brockton Avenue, Suite 301A
Riverside, CA 92506
Phone: 951-682-6900

Office Hours

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