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Why Radiofrequency Vein Ablation Might Be Your Answer to Bulging Veins

Why Radiofrequency Vein Ablation Might Be Your Answer to Bulging Veins

Do your legs ache after a long day? It might not just be from standing too long — those bulging veins you see could mean more than you realize.

You already know varicose veins can be uncomfortable and frustrating. But did you know these twisting incompetent veins can lead to more significant issues? Untreated varicose veins can cause  pain, swelling, skin changes, and even ulcers.

Sclerotherapy is a popular option for treating varicose veins, but it may not be the best  first fit for everyone. If you're looking for an effective solution that addresses both the appearance and underlying issues of bulging veins, radiofrequency vein ablation (RFA) might be your answer.

At Advanced Cardiovascular Care, Inc., in Riverside, California, board-certified cardiologist  and vascular specialist, Syed W. Bokhari, MD, helps patients find solutions for their unsightly, symptomatic varicose veins. If you have varicose veins, he takes the time to understand your situation and discuss whether RFA is for you.

Sclerotherapy vs. RFA for lasting relief

Sclerotherapy and RFA are two well-known and effective treatments for varicose veins. Each has advantages and disadvantages depending on the individual:


Sclerotherapy involves a solution (sclerosant) injected directly into the affected veins. That causes the veins to collapse and gradually fade away. It’s a straightforward procedure that can be done in a doctor’s office and usually requires multiple sessions for the best results.

This treatment is ideal for small- to-moderate-sized varicose and spider veins. Sclerotherapy might be a good fit for cosmetic concerns. However, it may not be as effective for large, twisted veins causing significant discomfort.


RFA is a minimally invasive treatment that uses heat to close off problem veins. During the procedure, Dr. Bokhari inserts a thin catheter into the vein and applies radiofrequency energy. 

This process heats the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal shut. Blood flow redirects to healthier veins, helping to relieve pressure and heaviness.

RFA is effective for large varicose veins, especially if you experience heavy, aching legs or noticeable swelling.  RFA  is a highly effective therapy with a very low risk of complications. You can usually return to your daily activities within a day or  so. 

If you’re looking for a longer-lasting varicose veins solution, RFA might be the right choice.

Preparing for RFA

Taking a few steps before RFA can help you feel confident and relaxed during the procedure. Here’s a guide to help you get ready:


First, schedule a consultation with Dr. Bokhari. During this visit, he assesses your situation and explains the RFA process. Ask questions — this is your chance to  ask questions and clarify any concerns.

Pre-procedure tips

You may need to avoid certain medications, such as blood thinners, for a few days before RFA. That helps minimize risks during the procedure. Also, wearing loose, comfortable clothing on the day of your appointment can help you relax.

What to expect during and after RFA

When you arrive, the staff guides you through the process. The treatment itself takes about an hour, and you receive local anesthesia to keep you comfortable. Many patients report only mild discomfort during the procedure, but tell Dr. Bokhari if you experience persistent pain.

After RFA, expect some swelling or bruising, but that typically goes away within a few days.   Do not forget to walk daily, wear compression stockings and avoid intense exercise for a short period.

Don’t let varicose veins slow you down. RFA is a safe, effective treatment for bulging varicose veins. To learn whether this treatment is right for you, call Advanced Cardiovascular Care today or schedule a consultation online  with Dr.  Bokhari.

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