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Why Radiofrequency Vein Ablation Might Be Your Answer to Bulging Veins Oct 1st, 2024

Do your legs ache after a long day? It might not just be from standing too long — those bulging veins you see could mean more than you realize. You already know varicose veins can be uncomfortable and frustrating. But did you know these twisting incompetent veins can lead to...

When Is Laser Therapy the Best Treatment Option for Varicose Veins? Sep 1st, 2024

Varicose veins aren’t just unappealing; they’re also uncomfortable. While these bulging, twisted veins usually aren’t life threatening, their impact on your life can include persistent pain, swelling, and decreased mobility. The sooner you seek treatment for varicose veins, the quicker you can regain comfort and enjoy a more active, pain-free...

When are Varicose Veins a Health Concern? Aug 8th, 2024

More than 30 million Americans suffer from varicose veins and venous insufficiency at any given time, but only a fraction of those seek treatment. Many people don't get help for varicose veins until they're embarrassed by the unsightly appearance or start experiencing bothersome symptoms like leg pain, discomfort, itching, burning,...

The Best Exercises for Heart Health May 22nd, 2019

Your heart isn’t just the hardest-working muscle in your body, it’s also the strongest muscle, and your body depends on a healthy heart. The rest of your muscles depend on oxygenated blood from the heart to do their work. Your heart pumps on average 115,000 times a day.  It provides...

Should I Be Worried About the Health Risks of Varicose and Spider Veins? Apr 25th, 2019

More than 40 million people in the United States have varicose or spider veins, and nearly half of them have a family history of the condition. In fact, if both of your parents have varicose or spider veins, you have close to a 90% chance of developing them. Varicose and...

What You Should Know About Heart Murmurs Mar 7th, 2019

A heart murmur is a swooshing or swishing noise made during your heartbeat cycle when blood flows more rapidly than normal through the heart. Your doctor can hear this sound through a stethoscope. A normal heartbeat makes a specific sound related to the heart valves closing. Some people are born...

Key Benefits of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery Feb 13th, 2019

If you’ve been told that you or a loved one needs heart surgery, you may wonder about your options. When most people think of heart surgery, open surgery comes to mind. But have you heard about minimally invasive heart surgery? A minimally invasive approach to heart surgery is a beneficial...

Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Prevent Varicose Veins Jan 21st, 2019

Varicose veins are incredibly common; roughly 40 million American adults have these blue, bulging, rope-like veins, usually appearing on their legs. These veins are a sign of problems with blood flow and occur when the valves in one’s leg veins that direct blood flow become weak or damaged. While there’s...

3 Surprising Facts About Heart Disease Dec 18th, 2018

You’re probably familiar with heart disease as a leading killer of both adult women and men, accounting for over 600,000 deaths in the United States each year. Your heart is central to your health, since your body depends on blood flow for nourishment and fuel. Heart disease isn’t a single...

Early Symptoms and Warning Signs of Varicose Veins Nov 30th, 2018

More than 40 million Americans have varicose veins, and many people have a family history of the condition. These twisted, swollen veins are more than just an aesthetic issue; they may indicate circulatory problems and in rare cases can lead to complications like ulcers and blood clots. While it’s not...

Here’s How To Tell If You’re a Candidate for TAVR Oct 25th, 2018

If you’re researching transcatheter aortic valve replacement, you’ve probably already been diagnosed with a condition called aortic stenosis, and you likely have many questions. A quick refresher on the basics Your heart, as you probably already know, has four chambers. Two of them, called the atria, receive blood coming into...

Varicose Veins and Spider Veins Explained Sep 12th, 2018

As you age, it’s common for you to start noticing more visible veins, especially on your legs. When you start seeing these bumpy veins, you may wonder if they’re varicose veins or spider veins and whether or not you should be concerned about them. Here at Advanced Cardiovascular Care, Dr....

Top 3 Advantages of TAVR You Should Know About Aug 24th, 2018

You’ve been feeling short of breath or got a little lightheaded when you walked up the stairs the other day. That’s just a normal part of aging, right? But nonspecific symptoms like fatigue and dizziness could be a sign of a life-threatening disease called aortic stenosis, which affects approximately 12.4%...

Are Varicose Veins Hereditary and How Can I Get Rid of Them? Jul 18th, 2018

Varicose veins are a common problem that women experience more often than men, but men are certainly not immune. These enlarged veins may wreck your plans to bare your legs at the next summertime festival. They can also cause aching, cramping, and throbbing pain in your legs that tends to...

Can Aortic Stenosis Be Prevented? Jun 27th, 2018

Aortic stenosis is like many chronic health conditions — it develops for years without causing symptoms. Then by the time you experience symptoms, there’s nothing you can do to prevent it or stop it from worsening.That’s why our team at Advanced Cardiovascular Care encourages you to take care of your...

Is TAVR Right for You? May 28th, 2018

The aortic valve sits at the top of your heart. All the blood coming from your heart exits through this quarter-sized valve, which is about 2,000 gallons a day when your heart is healthy. Aortic valve stenosis is a condition that causes the valve opening to narrow and lose function....

A Guide to Women’s Heart Health: Tips for Avoiding Disease Apr 16th, 2018

Only 50% of women know that heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, according to an American Heart Association survey. Women tend to worry about breast cancer, even though you’re six times more likely to die of heart disease. Not only does heart disease kill men and...

Life After Heart Valve Replacement Mar 30th, 2018

Heart valve replacement is a serious undertaking, and your body needs time to recover after the procedure. How much time often depends on your condition before replacement and the type of procedure you undergo -- minimally invasive versus open heart surgery.Dr. Bokhari prefers minimally invasive procedures whenever possible, and is...

Is Aortic Stenosis Life-Threatening? Mar 16th, 2018

In medical speak, aortic stenosis refers to narrowing (stenosis) of one of the four valves -- the aortic valve -- in your heart. Healthy valves open and close once with each heartbeat and regulate the direction of blood flow through your heart.A normal aortic valve consists of three triangular flaps...

Understanding Your Heart: What is Aortic Stenosis? Feb 28th, 2018

Aortic stenosis is a progressive heart disease that affects about 2%-9% of the general population. You can live a healthy, normal life with a mild case of aortic stenosis, but as the condition slowly worsens over the years, you’ll need the expertise of the experienced team at Advanced Cardiovascular Care...

Seven Things You Should Know About Varicose Veins Jan 12th, 2018

Your legs have faithfully carried you far and wide, but sometimes your journeys show up as road maps across the surface of your legs. Called varicose veins, these gnarled and bulging veins affect over 30 million people in the United States. They are unsightly, but they can also cause considerable...

How to Know if You Should Treat Your Varicose Veins Nov 2nd, 2017

OK, we get it. You don’t like the look of your varicose veins, so you hide them. If you don’t have to look at them or have others see them, you don’t have to worry about them much, right? Well, not so much, unfortunately.You see, while many people choose to...

What is TAVR/TAVI and Is it right for me? Oct 6th, 2017

Have you heard about TAVR? What about TAVI? If it seems like they’ve become popular terms in healthcare lately, that’s because they have, and for good reason. But just what exactly are they? Sure, you probably know that someone is talking about a heart treatment option when they mention them,...

Varicose Veins Are a Disease – Here's What You Need to Know About It Aug 8th, 2017

If there’s one thing everyone knows about varicose veins, it’s this: they can be unsightly. Each of us wants to feel comfortable in our own skin. We want to have the confidence to wear shorts or t-shirts and not worry about feeling like everyone is noticing our flaws. But that’s...